Sunday, March 18, 2018

Encrypting your files on the cloud

Teachers would like to use the most popular programs for their teaching. They do this because students are already very familiar with them. Hence it cuts down on the learning curve of how to use a program.

On the other hand, both teachers and parents are concerned about privacy. Today we’re presenting a program which can guarantee privacy though using popular programs.

Everybody has heard about the cloud. As students, teachers and parents are travelling nowadays, they would like to be able to fetch their files wherever they are. There are various clouds solutions out there, but the cryptomator will ensure that one’s files are encrypted as soon as they leave the pc/laptop/mobile phone towards the cloud.

Same wise when one is downloading a file, one is sure that the file is secured and cannot be read by third parties!

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Downloading challenge in some schools

Internet speeds in schools are normally painfully slow! How many times teachers and/or educators would like to show something online to students and get frustrated with the speed of the internet?

It’s one thing when a teacher is preparing a lesson at home and it’s another when one is doing it in class. Although some websites can be downloaded from home, others need a direct link especially when involves live data or a situation which is changing really fast.

Today we present Xtreme Download Manager (XDM). Works with all modern browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Chromium, Opera, Vivaldi etc.,) available in Mac, Windows, BSD and Linux. It downloads 5 to 6 times faster!!!

It is beneficial to take over downloads and saving streaming videos from web. XDM has built in video converter which lets you convert downloaded videos to popular MP4 and MP3 formats.

It resumes broken/dead downloads caused by connection problem, power failure or session expiration. XDM can save video from YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo, Facebook and thousands of popular video sharing sites.

If one wants to download it, simply go here. If one prefers some help via videos, then here is the link. Here are some pics.