Sunday, September 9, 2018

SoX : the Swiss Army knife of sound processing programs!

Walking in any part of the Western Civilization, one notices that music has become easily accessible and more popular. One notices people walking with headphones nearly most of the time! One can see people talking on their own (!). Our young students are crazy for music. Besides one uses various formats of audio files. Transferring an audio file to anther media outlet is simply, yet not all apps can read all kinds of music!

We have experience with students in classes when they record other sounds on their mobile/laptop etc...but then they cannot hear it on some media outlets!

Today we are suggesting SoX, what is called the swiss army knife for sound processing programs! We have to make you aware that it calls for a steep learning curve. It seems so daunting in the beginning, but that’s what communities are for – to help you sort out any teething problems! It could be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux.

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